CarbonFin Outliner Help
- Create a new outline by tapping the '+' button on the home screen.
- Delete an outline by tapping the 'Edit' button, and then tapping
the red delete buttons that appears on the left. You can also delete
by swiping across the outline and tapping the 'Delete' button that
appears on the right.
- Reorder the outlines by tapping the 'Edit' button, and then dragging the
grippers that appear on the right.
- Search for text across all outlines by typing in the search box at the
top of the outline list.
- Search for text within an outline by tapping the search button in the toolbar.
After entering text, use the Search Next and Search Previous buttons to find each
- Rename an outline by opening the outline and then tapping the outline info button.
- Duplicate an outline by opening the outline, tapping the ... button, and selecting
'Copy all'. Then create a new outline, tap the ... button, and select 'Paste'.
- Email an outline by opening the outline, tapping the ... button, and selecting
'Email'. You can email an outline in OPML format or in text format.
- Tap the New child or New sibling button in the toolbar to create a new item.
If no item is selected, New sibling will create a top-level item. You may also tap
they Add a new item text below the final item to add a new top-level item to the end
of the outline.
- View or edit the note for an item by tapping the note icon on the right side of the item.
- Tap the ... button to cut, copy, or paste an item or tree. You may also
tap and hold on an item to get cut/copy/paste commands. NOTE: The iOS cut/copy/paste
commands are available when editing text, and operate only on the text of the selected item.
- Tap the ... button to access undo, redo, and advanced commands such as
expand all, collapse all, uncheck all.
- Tap the 'search' toolbar button to enter search mode. Tap it again to exit.
- Delete an item by tapping the trash toolbar button. This will also give you the options
to Delete tree and Delete all completed. You can also delete by swiping, but
will not be given the above options using this method.
- Reorder items by tapping the 4-way arrow toolbar button. You can then use the arrow
toolbar buttons, or drag items using the grippers that appear to the right of each item.
- Zoom in to focus on just a single subtree. Select an item,
tap the ... button, then select Zoom.
- Double-tap an existing item to edit its text.
- Press return while editing an item to create and begin editing a new sibling.
- Press return while editing a new empty item to toggle between task and non-task.
- Press space while editing a new empty item to toggle its indentation.
- Press backspace while editing a new empty item to unindent it.
- Press tab while editing a new empty item to indent it. Note: This key is only present
on external keyboards.
- Select an outline from the home screen to display it.
- Tap the outline info button to change view options.
- Turn off Show status to hide the checkboxes and pie charts on tasks.
- Turn off Show notes to display only the main text of each outline item.
- Turn on 1-line note preview to display only the first line of an outline item's note.
- Turn on Show numbers to show the outline as a numbered list.
- Turn on Hide completed to hide tasks that are completed. NOTE: Completed tasks that have subtasks
will remain visible to retain the stucture of the outline.
- Turn on Small font to use slightly smaller fonts to fit more data on screen.
- Assign a tag (or set of tags) to an outline using the tag selector. The tag selector
is found by tapping the Tags button in the Outline Info view.
- Add or remove tags using the tag selector. The tag selector
is found by tapping the Tags button in the Outline Info view.
- Mark an outline as archived by toggling the option in the Outline Info view. The only
difference between an archived and non-archived outline is the way it is filtered in the
home screen.
- Filter outlines by their tags and archive status by tapping the tags button
on the home screen.
- Initiate a sync by tapping the sync button on the home screen. The first time
you tap it, you will be asked to setup an account.
- Tap the settings toolbar button (wrench icon) to add or change your account.
- Use Outliner Online to import and export outlines.
- After an account is configured, Outliner will sync automatically when needed unless
Sync Automatically is disabled in settings.
- Tap the settings toolbar button (wrench icon) to link your OneDrive or Dropbox account.
- Initiate a sync by tapping the sync button on the home screen.
- Move an outline to OneDrive or Dropbox by opening the outline info and selecting the Storage option.
- If you also edit your OneDrive or Dropbox outlines on another device, be sure to sync before
and after editing to prevent conflicts. Enabling Sync Automatically will take care of this.
- Outlines synced with OneDrive or Dropbox are in OPML format, which is more limited than Outliner's
native format. Some features (such as creation and completion dates) will not be available.
View settings (such as "hide status") will be managed locally, but will not sync to
other devices.
- Outliner will not preserve OPML data it does not understand. After editing and syncing
with Outliner, non-standard OPML data will effectively be removed.
- Outlines that have been synced with Outliner Online can be shared with other Outliner
- Select an outline from the home screen to display it.
- Tap the outline info button to display outline settings.
- Tap Sharing Settings to go to Outliner Online to manage sharing.
- The person that you share an outline with will be able to edit the outline.
- When you stop sharing an outline with someone, they will no longer have access to it online,
and it will be removed from their device the next time they sync.
- Deleting an outline that you have shared will also remove it from all other users' devices
the next time they sync.
- Deleting an outline that was shared with you will only remove it from your account. It
will not be deleted from the creator's account.
- Outlines that have been synced with Outliner Online can be published so that anyone
with the URL can view a read-only version of the outline.
- The published outline will always reflect the latest version of the outline that has
been synced.
- Only the creator of an outline can publish or unpublish it.
- Published outlines can only be seen by someone with the URL. CarbonFin does not
make the list of published outlines available, and the published outlines are
not indexed by search engines.
- Outliner doesn't currently have native support for printing. However, outlines that have been synced with
Outliner Online can be printed with a web browser.
- Open in a web browser.
- Select the outline from the left column to display it.
- Tap the Print link in the left column under the outline name.
- Use the web browser to print the resulting page.
- Outliner supports a URL scheme to allow other applications to launch it. The
following uses are supported:
- outliner://open - launch Outliner
- outliner://name/<outline name> - launch Outliner and open the outline with the specified
name. For example: outliner://name/Birthdays