
CarbonFin Outliner allows you to organize your
thoughts, tasks, and projects. Easily create a todo list for today,
or track an entire project anywhere you are. Share your outlines, edit your
outlines online with the free Outliner Online, and collaborate with other Outliner users.
Home Screen
The home screen shows all your outlines,
and their current sync status (a pencil on the outline icon
indicates that the outline has been modified since the last sync).
Tap the '+' button to create a new outline, or 'Edit' to reorder them.
Assign tags to your outlines, then filter the list by
tag to keep organized. You can also search across all your
outlines from the home screen.
Secure Online Sync, Sharing, and Editing
Sync your outlines securely to
Outliner Online, the free online companion to CarbonFin Outliner.
Syncing protects you from data loss, and allows
you to import, export, and edit your outlines from any web browser.
Automatic sync keeps your outlines always up-to-date.
Share outlines with other Outliner
users, allowing two or more people to view and edit an outline.
Publish an
outline so that anyone with its public URL can view it.

Task Lists
Outliner is great for task lists, such as a shopping list.
Just tap the checkbox to mark each one complete, or tap the pie chart next to
a parent task to mark or clear all subtasks.
Outliner is especially good at managing projects.
Organize your project into hierarchies of tasks and subtasks, and see at a
glance how each part of a project is progressing.
Notes, ideas, and everything else
Not everything you store in
Outliner is a task. For flexibility, each outline has settings to allow you to show
or hide the checkboxes, show or hide the notes preview, or use a small font to
give you more room for text and notes. You also have the option to show numbering for items.
Full featured editor
Contains all the features you would expect from a full featured
outline editor, including:
Inline editing
Cut/copy/paste an item or the entire outline
Undo and redo
Drag and drop reordering
Search in a single outline or across all outlines
Collapse/expand all items
Check/uncheck an item or an entire subtree
Delete all completed items
Zoom in to focus on just a single subtree at a time
iPad multitasking support
Import and export